1) Features in which this advert contains are, Real Time, Music and sound and repetition. I feel the younger kind of up-beat music is used within the advertisement to try and attract the younger audience which is what they want as it is this age group in which their product range is based at.
2) This type of advert is a testimonial advert, where someone actually uses the product (spot cream) and is satisfied with the product so they then are recommending it to the audience. You could also say it is a famous faces kind of advert as I recognise someone for being in a reality TV show.
3) The target audience for the product are teenagers as there as they are acting within the advert so we can engage with the fact it’s meant for people our age. And is for both genders as both genders are featured within the advert so we know it’s not just for female or male it’s for everyone.
4) The product is suppose to make you more attractive, as it’s to improve your appearance (get rid of spots) so therefore improve your confidence with cleaner fresher skin. Additionally the product may make you seem like you would get more friends, through the use of long shots on actors all in the same scene hugging and smiling. Actors within the advert are quite attractive young people and this is shown through the use of close ups on their faces, which makes up feel if we have this product we will look like how they do. And there is use of both digetic and non-digetic sound, to make it seem more realistic and simple towards the audience.
5) Social groups that represented are young teenagers of all genders which are portrayed through actors and the way in which they speak with each other.
6) The tone of address used within the advert is a casual informal advert which isn’t too serious or funny, this may be used as it’s a testimonial advert so can’t be funny or serious as the audience won’t know how to take it, either thinking it’s a joke or intimidated.
1) The features that the advert contain are Dramatic action, speech and music and sound, which is used to create an over the top attractive advert, and it used to create a manly image with the strong man’s voice and his dramatic will of “out running a train”
2) This type of TV advert is a testimonial advert as it shows you what you can do once you have used the product/ demonstrating its strengths, which is as we can see the ability to outrun a train once you have drank this sports drink/
3) The target audience for the product young-middle aged males whom are sport contenders because it’s a male who is the actor demonstrating the product and its aimed at sports contenders as it’s a sports drink.
4) The image constructed for the product, is that if you drink it you will then become athletically stronger and be able to perform better in sport as we can see from how fast he is running once he has drank the product. From long shots we can identify that the male actor is physically fit which could be due to the product in which he is advertising, and gives away the impression that you would perform better if you used the product than if you didn’t.
5) Social groups represented within the advert are young-middle aged, middle class males, as we can see that the actor fits into this branding so you assume that the product is aimed at people just like him.
6) Mode of address used within this advertisement is formal as it seems like quite a serious advert from the tone of language used in the speech and the music, it makes it seem as if it isn’t any kind of joke and that they are serious that if you use the product this is what could happen.
Special K- kelloggs
1) The features in which the advert are music &s sound, speech and symbolism. We can see that music and sound are used to great effect as, as soon as the advert comes on a well known classic comes on which draws us into it, and is specifically targeted at women which is who the product is for. Symbolism within the advert is the shown red which are featured on all of the women, which refer back to the product, which could mean that special K cereal is with them in their everyday lifes.
2) We can see that again the type of TV advert in which this is, is a testimonial advert as we can see that the women have tried eating special K cereal and have succeeded as they can now fit back into their jeans that wouldn’t have fitted them if they hadn’t have eaten the slimming product.
3) As we can see the target audience are middle aged women who are dieting or weight conscious, we can see this because all the women actresses in the advert are around the same age and that they have all gotten down to different sizes.
4) The image constructed for the product is that if it is used, you will ultimately look better assuming that you lose weight and can eventually fit into those Jeans that you’ve wanted to fit back into or buy smaller sized Jeans.
As we can see from the various ranges of camera angles; from extreme close ups to close ups on the Jeans we see that this has something to do with the product in which they are selling.
5) The social groups represented within the TV advert are middle-aged young women whom care about their appearance and like to make the effort to look good which makes us think of the middle-higher class.
6) The mode of address used within the advert is informal, as we can see from the mise-en-scene that they are dressed in casual costume and they way they are speaking to the audience is calm and laid-back.
Compare the Market
1) Features in which the advert contains are; Speech, Dramatic action & music and sound to keep the audience interested as this company is known for its interesting adverts and trademark “Meer cats”. By using dramatic action it gages the audience into what product they are offering, they may have adopted this theme as the product in which they are selling is hard to advertise and boring at that.
2) The type of advertisement in which this is, is a spokes person/ sales pitch kind, as the actor is telling you a story and then describing how you can access the website.
3) The target audience for this advert is everybody, as it’s a friendly humour advert and everybody likes it, however narrowed down to the product not really everyone can use the product, as its for cheap car insurance however when people do come to wanting to insure their cars I am sure this image will stick in their heads.
4) Their isn’t really an image constructed for the product, however the product/ service has become very popular due to its branding, making everyone want to use its service.
5) Again their isn’t really any social groups represented as the advert is for everyone, but it does scream at the working class, as its for cheaper car insurance and it make them seem a bit foolish as the message is that people keep going on “compare the Meer cat” instead of “compare the market”, which is stereotypically what the less educated people in society would do.
6) The mode of address within the advert is very in formal as it’s very humorous and doesn’t have a serious tone to it at all, this could be due to the fact that the product is for everyone so they’re just trying to attract people’s attention and become better known.
Injury lawyers
1) Features in which this advert contains are; dramatic action in which we can see from the dark light which creates a dark atmosphere. Real time as it demands the viewers attention and lastly symbolism which is portrayed through the lighting and the not wanting to be “left in the dark”
2) The type of advert in which this is, is a Famous faces advert, as we can see the main and only actor used to be in Coronation street, Holby city and Eastenders, and by using this actor its suppose to appeal to the audience more and make them therefore want it more. It’s also a Spokes person type of advert because the actor is talking directly to the audience convincing you to buy the product.
3) The target audience for the product is injured people, so therefore the whole of the working population. We can also see that the actor is sympathising and taking them serious with their serious and formal tone in which he is speaking to them with.
4) The image that is constructed for the product is a professional one, as we can see from the Mise-en-scene that the actor is there in his black suit. And that the service could potentially help you get back what you deserve “ go from the dark into the light” , which is shown with high key and low key lighting, the high key lighting empowers you.
5) Social groups represented within this advert are middle ages, middle class males, who earn a good living.
6) The mode of address used within the advert, is formal, to show that it is serious and when it comes to your money (the service in which they are offering) there is no messing about, to show the audience they are professional.
Links- Body Spray
1) The features in which the advert contain are; Firstly symbolism, which is represented by the angels falling to earth which represents goodness and purity. Speech is also used which is used to empathise the tag line. And music and sound are a big part within the advertisement as the music is fairly classical, and when the angels fall to earth there is the faint “sexy boy” within the music, you could also argue that there are elements of dramatic action within the advert due to the whole theme of angels falling from heaven being the focal point.
2) The kind of advert in which it is, is an analogy as it’s a metaphor over the whole angel theme. Additional it’s a dramatisation as it’s over dramatic, as women falling from the sky for this guy who’s simply sprayed himself with Links body spray.
3) The target audience are for males, particularly teenagers, who have smelly issues, or want to heighten their sex appeal.
4) The image constructed for the product is that; if you use it, it enhances you, in this case makes you more attractive therefore allowing you to get more girls. We can see from the use of camera shots upon the angel, that close ups are used frequently to show that they are sniffing and smelling the fragrance which the man is wearing which gives away what product is being advertised. We can also see from the medium long & long shots that the angels are smashing their halos on the floor to signify that they are losing their innocence over, this man and the way in which he smells. From the Mise-en-scene we can see that from their performance of perfection, the angels are stopping people in their tracks, that they symbolise; purity, beauty and goodness this is the kind of women that Links attract the best of the best women.
5) Social groups in which this product attracts are young working class males. Although I feel that the product is aimed at teenagers it harder to represent this within the advert as it may feel that they are over sexualising young teens.
6) The mode of addressed used is very informal, even though it features angels who is typically above “class” and would then be very formal, its whole theme is very humorous and un-realistic which sets it as informal.
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